
位于法国东北部的一座城市,紧鄰德国与瑞士。踏足科隆玛,有如置身于童话世界中。悠闲的走在行人路上,街上车辆慢慢的行驶, 有些与世无争的感觉。有小威尼斯之称的科尔玛景色之优美让人忘却了时间的存在。 在这座城市, 建筑风格和门面设计的风格搭配的非常精致; 无论精品店、咖啡馆、时装屋都各有特色。 如果能再来我一定不会只停留一天的时间。


My encounter with Katy Maddison

I am delighted to have Katy Maddison, better known as Katy Wateva, to join me to talk about her journey as a freelance picture book illustrator. With a distinctive and unmistakable style, her illustrations and stories capture the energy and beauty in her neighbourhood. She was inspired by her environment and surroundings, the people around her.

Katy started her career in 2009; it all began with an idea of a present for her friends and family. She was in her early twenties, living in Bristol, full of fun characters that inspired Katy, and began to write stories full of wild characters and adventures. Katy decided to publish her books and built up a good relationship with a printer that had offered her support and face to face experience. Katy described that it was always an exciting moment when she picked up her books from the printers and the thrilling feeling she had when flipping through the pages of her picture books and seeing her illustrations.

Katy built her reputation by simply selling books as she went, as Bristol was a sociable place. Working without a smartphone was difficult, but she would take part in daily events and book fairs, slowly building up her career as a picture book artist and author. Katy prefers this old-fashion method and was able to establish herself.

Here is a piece of advice from Katy: ‘If you are an artist, the first thing you do is make your art, because that is the way you express yourself as a person and respond to the world around you. Whether you make any money or get recognition for your work is just a bonus.’

It’s been a privilege having Katy to share her experience as a storyteller and illustrator. Her journey as an artist has been inspirational to me and other artists, her advice is valuable, and she is a talented individual.